18 April, 2010

Answered Prayers

I've been praying about my trip to Haiti(honestly not as much as I should be though) and thoes prayers have deffinitley been being answered. It's so amazing to see God do this, for me, when I could never deserve it. I was starting to be concerned about money for the trip and if I was going to be able to afford it or not. Then out of no where four people gave me money to put towards it. I made an event on facebook asking for help, all but about three people that joined it I don't see regularly or never. Seeing everyone joined the event was very exciting for me though. Just to be able to see how many people want to support me in this.
Then there's the plane ticket. It started out at like $275 and now has gone up to somewhere over 300. The biggest blessing in this whole thing though is that my friend offered to pay for my ticket for me and then when I get back I am going to pay him back. At first I was unsure about it and I probably asked him like ten times if he was sure it was okay. Then I started to feel like I was annoying him so I just let it go and thanked him. If it wasn't for this offer there was no one I would never have been able to afford the trip.
I feel like the whole thing has been one small miracle after another. I am so thankful to everyone for everything and I can't wait to see what God wants of me in Haiti. It's got to be big with everything He's given me to help me make it there.

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