06 June, 2010

Day 4: Haiti

Today was a bittersweet day, Lauren and Katie went back to the states this morning. I'm going to miss them both. Lauren and I became friends pretty quick and I wish she could have stayed the rest of the week. I won't have anyone to laugh with when everyone is speaking Spanish and I don't understand any of it now. I am very blessed to have met them and I pray that when they get home their lives will shine even brighter for You.
I'm excited to see what You have in store for those of us who are still here. These people are so amazing, there is no way I could have asked for a better group to work with here! I knew I would be blessed on this trip but I have no idea so much of that would come from the team I work with, just one more way You chose to show Your amazing love and grace, for that I am eternally grateful. Living and working with them even in just these few short days so far, I have sen more of the way we as Christians are supposed to love and care for one another and those around us. How a true Christian community is supposed to feel. That is something I will never forget and something I will always long for once my time here is over.

As far as the events of the day went, we spent most of the morning waiting and praying for a small team of people that went out to get medical supplies from the Dominican Republic. The day started out rough for them, it had rained the night before and the dirt roads were very muddy, they ended up getting stuck in a ditch for a while. Once they were able to get the truck back onto the road they headed to the border. While we waited at the camp for news a few of us spent some time washing clothes for us and some others in the camp that needed it. This was all done by hand of course and quite and experience. My arms were definitely sore afterwards.
Around noon we finally heard that the team was successful in getting the medical supplies we were needing and that they were on their way back. They returned with five bags of supplies, giant bags. We spent a few hours sorting and counting everything we had. Once it was mostly finished those of us who didn't have any medical knowledge to help anymore took a trip to a nearby village in the foothills of the mountains. We talked to the pastor of the village and took a tour of the area, as usual the children in the area gathered and started following us. Playing with us and just wanting to be with us. Most of them actually accompanied us back to the gates of the grounds we were staying on. It is always such a wonderful feeling to see the joy they have just to be around us, and also such a sad feeling to know we have to say goodbye.

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