19 May, 2010

Day 2: Haiti

So we wake up at 5:30am everyday, usually that seems very early to me and it's difficult to wake up. In Haiti though the sun starts to rise around 5am so by the time my alarm goes off it's already light and there are people moving around outside. So we got and dressed for our first days work. The typical routine was that about five people would make breakfast while the rest of us met for a quick meeting and then spent about 45 minutes in prayer; individually and in groups. After that we would eat and then everyone would joind for one more meeting where we were told where we would be working and what we'd be doing while there. Mainly that consisted of providing medical care and spending time with the people and children. The place we worked in that day is known as City de Soliel, most people won't go there because it's considered one of the most dangerous places in Port Au Prince. After the earthquake this is where most fugitives and lesser criminals fled to.

Once we got there immediately the kids started to gather around us wanting to play and talk to us. The majority of us spent most the day with them painting their faces and playing games with them. At first, they didn't understand what the face painting was so none of them wanted to do. Once we showed them and a couple decided to let us paint their faces all them wanted it! It was so funny, once they decided it wasn't bad they loved it and wanted us to paint their faces more than once!! It wasn't so much because of the paint though, they just wanted to the attention. They wanted us to pay attention to them and love them and care for them. Most the the kids lost one or both parents in the earthquake so affection wasn't something they knew too much of. They mostly just lived among the people there trying to survive however they could.

Around 12 the team that had been back at our camp preparing food for the people arrived with three giant cast iron pots of food. Once we got it all set up to serve we started plating and the people went crazy. They were all scrambling and pushing to get to the front so that they could get some of the food. We tried to make sure all the kids got food first, but it wasn't always easy. The hardest part was not having enough to feed everyone and having to tell people we were out of food. As soon as we were done serving the food we had to leave. The guys got the pots back to the truck and we all got into the van to head back to the camp.

The rest of the day was pretty relaxed, we got back and just spent time hanging out...until it rained at least. The rain always makes everyone scatter. This time, however, Lauren, Maiko, Egon and I stayed out in the rain. At first we tried to stay out of the actual rain but we didn't go into our tents...eventually we just decided to run around and play in the rain. It was so much fun! The best part was just getting to know these three people, goofing off and not caring about anything but having fun! It seems like I never get to be carefree like that anymore. It was nice to have that feeling again for a few hours, as well as form friendships with the three of them.

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