18 May, 2010

Day 1: Haiti

Rebekah and I woke up at 5ish to get ready and head to the airport. Our flight was scheduled to leave at 7:30am, we arrived at the airport around 6am. This was the first time I have ever flown so I just followed her though everything letting her go before me in most of the lines. After we made it through all the checks and scans we found our gate and sat down ready to wait. About 10 minutes later they called for us to board the plane. The flight was pretty short, if seemed to only take a few minutes from the time we took of to when we landed. It was nothing like a lot of people make flying sound like. Other than my ears popping it didn't phase me at all, the view from the window was so beautiful, even out over the ocean.

Our plane landed around 9:30am. Once we got off we had to get onto a bus and transported to the customs area. We almost had an issue with our immigration papers because we didn't have an exact address for the Double Harvest grounds we were going to be staying at. They didn't give us too much trouble though, they just didn't know what it was. There were about seven other people with Project America on our flight so once everyone made it through the airport and found their luggage we made our way through the crowds, with our driver, to the van that was waiting for us.

Around 11:30am we had gotten our tent set up and our stuff settled in for the week, had breakfast and a short meeting. We were waiting on more people to get there and to get a tire on our truck changed. Once they finished that we went to a city called City Soliel, known as the worst place in the world. It was where all the fugitives and criminals fled to when the jail crumbled after the earthquake. A lot of the people there now are actually decent people, there are still those that have the criminal background, but for the most part the people as a community have kicked them out. We went to visit the people and figure out how and where we would be setting up our stuff for the next day. We all went around the city meeting the people and playing with kids. It seemed like they would come out of no where! There were so many and they all wanted our attention!! It was the most humbling thing to experience!

The heat was definitely a problem the first day, not being used to it at all. We were only there for a few hours, but the heat gets to you quick. Once we left we stopped at a market on the way back to Double Harvest to get anything we may need or want over the next few days. It was pretty interesting, the store was small compared to the grocery store we have here and the food cost just as much. I think I got a soda and a roll of toilet paper(we had to have our own cause there wasn't any in the bathroom.)

Finally we were back at the camp for the night where we just hung out and fellowshiped. It rained around 6 or 7 that night so most of us retreated to our tents or covered area of some kind and didn't come out until dinner was ready. Then not too long after that we had a meeting and then went to bed.

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