09 March, 2010


The story starts exactly one week ago. I get a message from my mother asking me to call her as soon as I get a chance. Not a normal thing from her so, since I had litteraly just walked in to work, I asked if I could take a second to see what was going on. I called her had she tells me her father collapsed that morning. Her mom called 911 and he was taken by ambulance to the Dothan, AL hospital. They put him in ICU and told us that he had two flue viruses and a third infection that they couldn't identify. Two days later he's sent home and said to be okay. I get a message from my mom again saying he has been taken back to the hospital and turned out not to have any flu at all. Instead they think his illness has something to do with a spot they found on his liver. He has not left the hospital since then and is now going to be taken to AUB in the morning for basically exploratory surgery to try and figure what is going on with his liver.
Lord I need you SO much in all of this! I have no idea how my mom is handeling this internally, but I know she's not as strong as she is pretending to be. She has already lost one father as an early child and I don't know how well she'll hold together if she loses another one.

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