30 July, 2010

Nothing is Impossible

Think about your dreams, goals, aspirations. What did you want to be as a child? A fireman, a doctor, a princess? Now think about why those dream may not have come true as you've grown up. Is it because you decided to be something different? Is it because you were told couldn't become what you dreamed? Why do we change our childhood dreams as we grow? Sometimes it's because we just decide to be something different; other times we are told that what we want isn't possible, but who's to tell us what we can or can't be.
The only person to ever have a say in what we are to become should be God. He is the master of the universe and knows exactly who we are supposed to be. Any time someone tells you you can't be something, why should we listen unless we know they are speaking from God. Everything he designed(which is absolutely everything btw) has a specific plan and purpose. If we are listening to him and follow where he wants us to go then we can be anything and do anything. Nothing is impossible through Him.

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