30 May, 2011

Sunflowers and Roses

I reach for the handle, pull the door open and step inside. My eyes adjust as the lights display the scene before me. Not sure what's going on I freeze in the doorway. Slowly you approach and take my hand; leading me farther into the house. All around me I see roses and, my favorite, sunflowers. The table is set for two and lit only by three candles. You guide me to a chair, pull it out for me and seat me at one end of the small table. I watch you walk around to the opposite side and take a seat across from me. "What's going on?" I think to myself, still too stunned to actually speak.
Looking at you I see my favorite smile on your face, it's one of complete joy. You pick a bottle and a wine glass and start to pour the blood red contents into a glass then hand it to me. I take it and wait as you pour your own glass. You offer a toast, to our love, to our life, and to our future; then we drink. You start to serve me a dinner that looks like it took hours to prepare and once we both have our dinner before us we take a moment to bless the food and time we are sharing together.
We eat and talk about our days. Then as we finish you come over to me and offer your hand for me to accept. I reach out, trusting to follow you. We move outside and there is another table with candles and dessert on the balcony. I walk to the railing to look out at the stars; my favorite part of the night sky, and get lost in my thoughts for a moment. The night has been so perfect that I feel as though it's almost a dream. You speak my in barely more than a whisper, yet it startles me. Not expecting to hear someones voice so close to me as I'm lost in my own head, I turn to see you on your knee holding an open velvet covered box. Instantly my hands cover my mouth in shock and pure joy. You ask if I will be your bride and I shake my head, yes. Tears flowing from my eyes you stand to slide the silver band onto my left ring finger.

02 May, 2011


Look at this heart, see how beautiful it is? See how fragile it is? It's the same for the heart of every person you meet. Each heart has a specific beat and radiance of it's own, though sometimes those might be hidden under years of trials that have left behind scars or hardened them to a point that seems almost irrepairable. Don't ever assume you can treat people as you please because you might take part in turning something as beautiful as this picture into something resembling coal.


This is where the story ends
This is where we begin
To fall apart or stand strong
Take my hand and follow me
I'll show you all you need to be
So this world will not control you
It's not what you've become
You're just coming undone
This is where the story starts
With the breaking of our hearts
To show a love we could never afford