27 September, 2010

Hunger to Serve

Haven't had anything to write about in a while. Now it feels like my thoughts are starting to get cramped and overcrowded inside my own head. There have been a lot of things happen since I last updated here, best of which is the meeting of a certain boy. Now, I'm not going to turn this into your typical boy-crazed teenage blog(mainly because I'm not a boy-crazed teenage girl) but, I just want to say I can't image that I could be lucky enough to have someone like him in my life. Okay that's all.

So last week was the second Proyecto America trip since I learned about the organization. This time they went to Paraguay to minister to the people there. I would have loved to have been there, but I completely understand why God kept me in the states for this one. There are a few medical issues with multiple family members that all kinda piled up last week. I am proud of all that did take time to go over and serve and happy that things went well...from what I understand at least. Hopefully I will have an opportunity to serve on the next trip and be part of something bigger than myself again, I can't believe how much of my heart still desires to be out in the world serving the lost and broken people.