08 December, 2009

Christmas Season

It seems the older I get this time of year loses it's magical feeling more and more. I don't get the happy excitment I did when I was kid. I haven't cared so much about the gifts for a while now, but more about the chance to be with friends and family celebrating the single most important reason I'm alive and well today. Jesus Christ. I've tried to focus on the story more intensely the past couple of years, learn new things about it. Discover new truths from it. It just gets kind of difficult when it doesn't make you excited. Don't get me wrong, I love reading about the birth of the one man who saved us all, it's just not the same happiness I had as a kid. It's not the innocent, child-like, trust and love anymore; it's the kind that has to be worked at every single second of every single day. The kind that can actually get tiring because it takes more effort than I have some days.

Other times I'm kind of glad that I don't get that same feeling I did as a child. I mean at least that shows that I've grown, right? Christmas isn't about feeling all warm and ooey gooey. It's taking the time to think about someone other than yourself and reaching out to the ones who don't have as much. (Even though I think that should be something done year round, but that's another entry.) Or even just sharing with your family, getting to know them as people, not just family members. My mission this Christmas is to help a family in Africa have clean water for the next 20yrs through the Blood:Water Mission.

Everyone keeps asking me what I want for Christmas, I can't think of anything excpet getting money to accomplish this goal and getting a couple more of the Nooma videos. My heart is completely focused on this cause right now and I am doing my BEST to focus my mind on it as much as I can too. If there were any way to work with the organization at this point I'd do whatever it takes to reach that goal. If I can help even one family this Christmas I will be happy.